Constantin Luser
Solo show at Kunsthalle Krems, 2014
Installation view
Photo credit: Markus Roessle

Constantin Luser
Solo show at Kunsthalle Krems, 2014
Installation view
Photo credit: Markus Roessle

Constantin Luser
I 3, 2016
Brass wire, blackened
210 x 160 x 140 cm (82 5/8 x 63 x 55 1/8 in)
Photo credit: Viktoria Morgenstern

Constantin Luser
Royales Scheitern, 2014
Fineliner on paper, framed
64 x 90 cm (25 1/4 x 35 3/8 in)
Photo credit: Mario Gastinger

Constantin Luser
Das je ne ne sais quoi, 2014
Fineliner on paper, framed
64 x 90 cm (25 1/4 x 35 3/8 in)
Photo credit: Mario Gastinger

Constantin Luser
Brautfahrt, 2014
Brass wire, blackened
50 x 45 x 35 cm (19 5/8 x 17 3/4 x 13 3/4 in)

Constantin Luser
Fisches Bruder, 2014
Brass wire, blackened
125 x 55 x 48 cm (49 1/4 x 21 5/8 x 18 7/8 in)

Constantin Luser
Wendekopf mit Körper 6, 2013
Brass wire, blackened
65 x 30 x 23 cm (29 1/8 x 13 3/8 x 13 3/8 in)

Constantin Luser
Solo show "Das Neueste wird das Älteste sein”, 2015
Installation view
Hofstätter Projekte, Vienna, Austria
Foto: Sophie Thun

Constantin Luser
Aus dem Inneren der Zeit, 2015
100 x 60 x 15 cm
Solo show "Das Neueste wird das Älteste sein”, 2015
Installation view
Hofstätter Projekte, Vienna, Austria
Foto: Sophie Thun

Constantin Luser
Wie es gehen könnte, 2013
Mixed media on aluminium
150 x 145 cm (59 x 57 1/8 in)

Constantin Luser
Shukran, 2012
Mixed media on aluminium
150 x 145 cm (59 x 57 1/8 in)

Constantin Luser
Solo show at Rotwand, Zurich, 2011
Installation view

Constantin Luser
Ohne Titel, 2013
Collage and fineliner on paper on aluminium
100 x 75 cm (39 3/8 x 29 1 /2 in)

Constantin Luser
Ohne Titel, 2013
Collage and fineliner on paper on aluminium
100 x 75 cm (39 3/8 x 29 1 /2 in)

Constantin Luser
Conversationscollage Nr.14, 2010
Collage and fineliner, framed
30 x 30 cm (11 3/4 x 11 3/4 in)

Constantin Luser
Conversationscollage Nr.21, 2010
Collage and fineliner, framed
30 x 30 cm (11 3/4 x 11 3/4 in)

Constantin Luser
Bandoneon Intensivstation, 2012
Mixed media (8 bandoneons, metal)
200 x 200 x 200 cm (78 3/4 x 78 3/4 x 78 3/4 in)
Installation view at Rotwand, Zurich, 2013

Constantin Luser
Trommeliglu (Islam erreicht Nordpol), 2011
200 Tambourins, Kettledrum, 3 Tablas
200 x 200 x 200 cm (78 3/4 x 78 3/4 x 78 3/4 in)
Installation view at Rotwand, Zurich, 2011

Constantin Luser
Molekularorgel, 2010
Installation view at Technische Universität Graz, Graz, 2010

Constantin Luser
Molekularorgel, 2010 (Detail)
Installation view at Technische Universität Graz, Graz, 2010

Constantin Luser
Vibrosaurus, 2008
Brass (30 trumpets, trombones, tubes,
french horns altogether)
450 x 900 x 370 cm

Constantin Luser
Rückblick in letzter Sekunde, 2006
Mixed media (bar, bicycle handlebars, rear view mirrors)
182 x 100 x 40 cm (71 5/8 x 39 3/8 x 15 3/4 in)

Constantin Luser (together with Lukas Galehr and Matthias Makowsky)
2-Takt Viertel-Fahrbares Rotationsquintett, 2006
Roundabout on 4 wheels, trombone, trumpet, tuba, horn, Baritonhorn, 4 bicycle bells
Dimensiones variables

Constantin Luser
Lighttypewriter, 2003
Installation for Rotor, Graz, 2003 and Moscow Biennale, 2005

Constantin Luser
Ohne Titel, 2007
Fineliner and colored pencil on paper
300 x 560 cm (118 x 220 1/2 in)
Installationview at Rotwand, Zurich, 2007

Constantin Luser
Portrait, 2006
Fineliner on wood
100 x 80 cm (39 1/3 x 31 1/2 in)

Constantin Luser
Ohne Titel, 2006
Fineliner on paper
70 x 100 cm (27 1/2 x39 1/2 in)
In Transit, 2010Constantin Luser, 2011Constantin Luser, 2013
Born 1976 in Graz/Austria
Lives and works in Vienna/Austria
The drawings of Vienna based artist Constantin Luser are complex mind maps consisting of words and symbols as well as abstract and figurative elements. They remind one of geographic charts or blueprints of complex machines. Luser´s intricate drawings merge the interior and exterior worlds and blur what is reality and what is only perceived as such.
Constantin Luser´s visual reference to computer graphics is undermined with emotional content and by an impulsive style of drawing. „He draws a very fine and accurate line which transforms from a pattern to a formula, from an image to a word and from there to a narrative. It connects like a very clear thought. What results is a switchboard that defines different layers, creates structures and determines relations that allow a certain degree of orientation.” (Daniel Baumann)
His most recent „vibrosaurus” sculptures are models in the scale of 1:10 of a truly ambitious large scale sound sculpture project currently in process.